Healthy Snacks Arriving to a Front Door Near You

The pandemic has accelerated the use of online shopping. If Amazon and other websites were not already a big part of your world, I am guessing they are now. It is pretty easy to get lost in the endless choices of food items so I made a list of some of my favorite healthy snacks that you can order and have delivered right to your door. Most of the time ordering these foods online will not only save you time, but also save you some money since some distributors can reduce their prices when selling online. The other benefit of shopping for snacks online is a wider variety of products than you would be able to find in stores. New companies will release products online only, especially now, in order to keep costs down and make their product available to people who may not feel comfortable going into grocery stores yet. You can find a wider variety new products that suite your dietary preferences and individual needs, including snacks that are low-carb, vegetarian, allergy friendly, Kosher, Paleo… you name it!

I hope this list helps you continue to meet your health and wellness goals this summer as the country continues to struggle with the pandemic. Remember your personal health is of upmost importance right now so even doing small things, like making healthier snack choices, can add up to some big and long-term results!

Mini KIND Bars: There is nothing wrong with the full size KIND bars, but the mini versions offer a way to satisfy a craving or sweet tooth with half of the calories. The ingredients are very simple and wholesome and the wide variety of flavors ensures there is something for every palate. Click Here

THINK Grass-Fed Beef Jerky: Jerky is an easy and portable way to get protein into your day. This product in particular is made with high quality ingredients and no nitrates so you can feel good about what you are snacking on. Jerky is a great option for summer as well since you do not have to be concerned about it melting in a backpack while hiking or at the beach. Click Here

BARE Baked Crunchy Chips: Fresh fruit is also an easy “carry with you” snack but if you are wanting more of a crunch try these baked fruit chips. Great for kids and adults just make sure they are not placed at the bottom of your backpack or you will wind up with fruit powder. Click Here

Pizootz Premium Virginia Peanuts, New York Dill Pickle Flavor: Who does not love to snack on nuts, but adding a fun flavor to nuts makes them even more enjoyable. Peanuts contain more protein then the other nuts and these dill pickle flavored peanuts are another personal favorite. This company offers other flavors as well so feel free to go with the one that suites your personal preference.  Click Here

Highkey Mini Cookies: Sometimes you just need to have a cookie. Planning for this and ensuring that you can meet this craving with a healthy and portion controlled option will help you stay on track with your weight loss goal. This new brand of low-carb cookie is just becoming popular and now has a permanent place is my pantry. Just make sure to take your portion and put the bag away… even healthy alternatives need to be portion controlled.  Click Here

Savory WILD Portabella Jerky: For vegans and vegetarians this new style of jerky that uses dried mushrooms versus turkey or beef is a delicious savory snack option that can be taken with you anywhere. Mushrooms are packed with different vitamins and minerals and are a wonderful nutrient dense addition to anyone’s day. Click Here

gimMe Organic Seat Salt Premium Roasted Seaweed: These just happen to be my son’s favorite snack at the moment. Seaweed will give you a salty and crunchy afternoon fix while delivering a good amount of nutrition along the way. At only 25kcals a pack, these seaweed packs are a wonderful add on for anyone who is looking for a salty fix without adding to many calories to their daily count. Click Here

Frooze Balls: This product is a fun spin on trail mix as it takes similar ingredients and mashes them into a ball for easy snacking on the go. These are wonderful for a pop of energy during hiking or a nice treat to end a picnic. There are many different brands and flavors to chose from so definitely explore your options to find the perfect fit for you! Click Here

YouTopia Snack Mix: Trail mix can be very challenging to have in the “the right portion” so small packs like this make it easier. Not only are they only 130kcals but they are also delicious and have unique flavor combinations that are not commonly found, including espresso, a personal favorite of this coffee lover. Click Here

That’s It: Apple & Cherry 100% Natural Real Fruit Bar: These are great choices for kids lunch boxes especially since they will not melt in this summer heat and are a healthier alternative to fruit snacks which could contain a more processed form of sugar. The cherry and apple variety will provide a delicious flavor along with some antioxidants and vitamins to keep you nourished throughout the day.  Click Here

ENJOY and have an incredible start to your July. In Health & Happiness, Jessica Murgueytio

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