Help spread the word about Healthy Aging Month, National Food Safety and Education Month, and National Recovery Month in September.
Each month, we feature select National Health Observances (NHOs) that highlight important health issues affecting the nation. This month, we’re raising awareness about food safety, healthy aging, and substance use recovery.
We’ve made it easy for you to spread the word about these NHOs using the resources below. We hope you’ll join the conversation and help us advocate for better health nationwide!
- Healthy Aging Month
The American Academy of Ophthalmology originally kicked off Healthy Aging Monthas a time to encourage older adults to keep their vision healthy by getting regular eye exams. Now we also use it more broadly to promote ways that people can stay healthy as they age. Learn more from Healthy People 2030 about national goals for improving quality of life for older adults. And be sure to share our MyHealthfinder tips for older adults to help them stay healthy.
- National Food Safety and Education Month
Each September, the Partnership for Food Safety Educationuses National Food Safety and Education Month as an opportunity to teach people about food safety best practices. Join their virtual cooking event
designed to help Americans stay healthy by practicing safe food handling. Take a look at the related Healthy People 2030 objectives to learn more about national efforts to prevent foodborne illness.
- National Recovery Month
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) celebrates people in recovery from substance use disorders during National Recovery Month. It’s also an opportunity to help people understand mental health and substance use disorders. Share our MyHealthfinder conversation starters to help people talk with a loved one about unhealthy alcohol use. You can also help parents communicate with their kids about alcohol and drugs by sharing these tips from MyHealthfinder. Check out Healthy People 2030’s evidence-based resources about drug and alcohol use to find interventions for reducing substance use. And finally, share our interactive training designed to help health professionals promote safer use of opioids to manage chronic pain.
We hope you’ll use these resources to promote these important NHOs to your networks. Together, we can take steps toward a healthier nation.